A warm welcome to West Kirby Primary School. Our next Open Days are Saturday 9th November (10am) and Tuesday 12th November (9am, 1pm and 3:45pm). Please contact the School Office to book a place.

Family Toolbox

New: Launched April 2022


FAMILY TOOLBOX...because life doesn't come with a manual


What is it?  

Familytoolbox.co.uk is a free online hub that supports Wirral’s parents and carers to be the best they can be. It has lots of information about everyday family life to share, and helps parents find what they need for themselves, boosting their confidence and skills and helping families develop that vital bounce-back ability, so that they can weather life’s storms.   


What can it do?  

Wirral’s parents and carers can use familytoolbox.co.uk to find tools, people and places to help them with anything specific they want to work on. 

They can...

  • find ideas and information to help them, through a searchable bank of resources  
  • search for organisations, activities and events that can offer support  
  • introduce themselves to an organisation they’d like support from    
  • use self-reflection tools to identify their own goals and what they want to learn about   
  • find out what’s happening in their area   
  • review and recommend resources, information and organisations    


Click here to access Family Tool Box
