A warm welcome to West Kirby Primary School. Visits to our school from new families are always welcome. Please contact the School Office to book date and time. F2 applications must be submitted by January 15th 2025.

Intent - Implementation - Impact

"The important thing is to not stop questioning."
Albert Einstein 

At West Kirby Primary School, we aim to enable our pupils to be healthy, ecologically aware, global citizens of the future.  We aim to provide our children with a lifelong love of science, through our bespoke curriculum.  Science is all around us and we want the pupils to have an understanding of the essential aspects of science: knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics; the ability to use processes to investigate effectively; the skills to reason, interpret and analyse, as well as a basic curiosity to find out how and why. We want the children to develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about natural phenomena.



In Science this can be seen in the way that all key phases study the work of scientists both past and present. The children explore how scientists and inventors have adapted, improved and created new and old ideas, theories and products. UKS2 learn about Art Fry and Spencer Silver, who adapted a low-tack adhesive in the 1970s to create Post It Notes. This allows our children to consider the many facets of science, engineering and invention and then imagine their position as a global citizen in a changing world. Collaborative learning strategies are used to promote high level of pupil engagement. Regular flashbacks are used at the start of each lesson to strengthen recall. We always maintain a high level of subject knowledge of Science across our school through training and professional development. Teachers use assessment for learning to tailor lessons around our children, which helps us to plan for next stage in the children's' Science learning. In our school we always encourage and promote all children to use specific Science vocabulary.  This can be seen in the glossaries that we use for each Science unit. In our quest to instil a sense of excitement about Science, the school organises a Whole School Science Week each year, where we explore Science  beyond the National Curriculum. 



Children at West Kirby Primary School enjoy Science and have a sense of excitement.  Evidence of the impact of this is seen in the enthusiasm with which children engage with our school Science Week and their willingness to question and discuss science facts, theories and data (teacher feedback, books).  Standards in science are good and teacher judgements are internally moderated within each key phase.  The Science Lead Teacher keeps stakeholders up to date with progress and attainment via the termly Subject Leader Report.


Science Subject Leader: Mrs Sadler