A warm welcome to West Kirby Primary School. Visits to our school from new families are always welcome. Please contact the School Office to book date and time. F2 applications must be submitted by January 15th 2025.

Vision and Values at WKPS

West Kirby Primary School - WKPS
Our values are formed from the initials of our school. They emphasise who we are. They highlight what we aspire to be. They are lived in our whole school community. 
P: Polite
West Kirby Primary School - Our Vision
We aim to create a happy, caring community where all members are included, secure and confident, have an equal opportunity to fulfil their potential and to develop the skills necessary to make a valuable contribution to society, both now and in the future. 
We always aim to enable all of our pupils to become...
  • Successful learners who love learning, find out what they are good at, do their very best, make progress and achieve. 
  • Confident individuals who know who and how to ask for support when needed and are able to lead safe, healthy, happy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society and want to make a difference to the world to ensure the best for everyone.
  • Digitally aware and have an understanding of how to use the digital world in the best way to get the most from it, but at the same time to do this safely and responsibly. 
How do we do this?
We aim to teach the knowledge, skills and values our pupils will need to becomes healthy, happy and valued as local, national and global citizens in the future. 
We want to ensure that West Kirby Primary School gives all children the best start in their educational journey so that they are ready to embark on the next step when the time comes. 
Our school is located in an amazing locality this provides us with many valuable learning opportunities - not many schools can walk down the road and be at the beach or the local swimming pool! Our WKPS curriculum allows opportunities for the children to learn more about our local area and develop an appreciation for where we live and what there is on offer. 
We regularly review our curriculum to ensure that is the best that we can offer and most importantly reflects the world in which we currently live in, which is changing at an increasing rate. 
We aim to provide opportunities for the children to have high aspirations and a wide range of aspirations. Supporting them  to know how the different skills in different subjects fit in with the wider world. 
Our School Curriculum is built around three Core Themes;
  • Health Promotion 
  • Global Awareness
  • Eco Awareness 
As a local community school we are committed to;
  • Ensuring high levels of stakeholder satisfaction - pupils, parents, staff and governors. 
  • Developing strong links with and making a value contribution to our local community
  • Developing effective partnerships with local schools and other providers to promote the best outcome for all the children in our local community.