We follow the Wirral Agreed Syllabus (2019) for Religious Education and Worldviews, which aims to enable all children to learn about religion in order to learn from religion. Therefore, we encourage cross-curricular links wherever possible. Each phase ensures that good quality lessons are planned to engage and educate children about worldwide religions. Watching Newsround in KS2, reading different texts in guided reading and sharing stories about different faiths also support our children to gain an insight and understanding of worldwide cultural diversity. Evidence of the impact of this is in our children's books, our e-portfolios, and the children's own opinions of their learning (pupil voice).
We work in partnership with local community groups and places of worship to give our children first hand experiences that will enhance their understanding of the world we live in and promote respect for others. Examples of what we do throughout the year are...
- Visits to places of worship.
- Visitors from different faith groups leading assemblies and workshops.
- Annual visits to our local Church, West Kirby United Reformed Church, to take part in workshops related to class topics.
- The youth and children’s work co-ordinator (Dan Sach) leads assemblies and when invited by a class teacher supports an RE lesson with a specific topic.
- Assemblies that include stories and festivals from different religions and non-religious traditions to promote values or a moral message.
The impact of our RE curriculum is to develop enthusiastic learners, who can respond to questions of beliefs and values in the modern world. The children will have the necessary skills to reflect on questions of meaning, offering their own opinions and listening to others. They will have a developing knowledge of world religions, secular worldviews, religious symbolism and a religious vocabulary to support their learning.
RE Subject Leader: Miss Raraty